Tsarigradsko shose 9 km, 1186 Sofia

Achieving the goals and subject of the main activity of the King Boris and Queen Giovanna Royal Heritage Fund as a non-governmental organization aiming at preserving, protecting and promoting the history of the Bulgarian Royal Dynasty, the Third Bulgarian Kingdom and the Monarchical Institute in general, is financed by the Royal Family, the members of its management bodies, from additional economic activity, and donations and sponsorship by Bulgarian and foreign persons.

Since its establishment, the Fund has neither used any state, municipal, or other public financial resources nor has been a beneficiary of the EU or national programmes and projects.

Under its Articles of Association, the Fund carries out its additional economic activity (within the meaning of Art. 3, paragraph 3 of the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities) to ensure its main activity and uses the revenues to achieve its goals. The subject of the additional economic activity are:

  • editorial activity, distribution, and sale of publishing products;
  • income from property management.

Under the legal provisions, King Boris and Queen Giovanna Fund accept donations, for which it issues the respective donation deed, entered in the donors’ chronicle. The Fund uses each endowment in compliance with the donor’s expressed will. The Fund reserves the right to refuse or return any donation made, or subsequently established under unacceptable conditions or, incompatible with the principles and objectives of the Fund circumstances, and contrary to morality and the Law. The Fund’s resources are expended, per the provisions of the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities and the procedures adopted by the Board of Trustees.

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